IBAS: The Independent Betting Adjudication Service

IBAS: IBAS (the Independent Betting Adjudication Service) is a completely independent adjudication service which will consider any case regarding specific betting or gaming transactions. We have agreed with IBAS to fully support any investigations they may choose to undertake regarding any betting activity and adhere to any rulings which they may subsequently make. Full information regarding their services can be found at www.ibas-uk.com

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Who are IBAS?

The Independent Betting Adjudication Service are an authoritative, totally independent third party, offering adjudication for customers who have an unresolved betting dispute with their bookmaker.

William Hill is a registered I.B.A.S. bookmaker.

The I.B.A.S website and full contact details can be found at http://www.ibas-uk.com

The IBAS Commitment :

  • To guarantee impartiality and fairness to both parties.
  • To look at each case independently
  • To adjudicate each case on its merits, taking into account bookmakers' rules
  • To manage a comprehensive, up-to-date register of bookmakers who as members, have declared an intention to abide by I.B.A.S. rulings on betting disputes.
  • To maintain a panel of experts (unconnected with the bookmaking industry) possessing the necessary experience and understanding to provide authoritative arbitration.
  • To give the appropriate amount of care and attention to all disputes.
  • To ensure confidentiality regarding all communications at all times during the arbitration process.

How does IBAS work?

Disputes are referred to the service via a standard I.B.A.S. arbitration form on which full details of the dispute should be provided. I.B.A.S. does not under any circumstances rule on disputes in person or over the telephone.

What is the procedure for ruling on a disputed bet?

Only when the Service Manager is completely satisfied that all other methods of resolving a dispute have been exhausted, will our panel of experts be instructed to offer their adjudication.

  • Customer calls the I.B.A.S. number to request an arbitration form: +44 (0) 207 347 5883

  • Customer carefully completes the form with all relevant information/ evidence.
  • On receipt of the form, the Service Manager will if he considers it appropriate, refer the dispute to the I.B.A.S. panel for adjudication.
  • On completion of the panel's adjudication, both parties will be informed in writing of the decision.

Is an IBAS ruling enforceable?

All bookmakers operating within I.B.A.S. are registered with the service and have declared an intention to abide by an I.B.A.S. ruling. Any bookmaker registered who fails to fulfill that commitment will be removed from the register.

IBAS Aims & Objectives

  • To strive for a better understanding between bookmakers and their customers.
  • To campaign for consistency, clarity and fairness in the rules by all the bookmakers.
  • To advise both bookmakers and customers of common types of invalid or unacceptable bets in an attempt to reduce the number of disputes.
  • To encourage registered bookmakers to display the I.B.A.S. symbol on their premises, or website, demonstrating their commitment to the customer.
  • To seek continual improvement to I.B.A.S. for the benefit of both customers and bookmakers.
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