Rule 4 Deduction


1. If a participant or team is withdrawn after:

  • the final declaration stage and before coming under starter's orders, or
  • is officially deemed by the starter to have taken no part in the race;

Stakes will be returned on the withdrawn participant or team and winning bets will be subject to deductions in accordance with Tattersall's Rule 4.

2. The rate of deduction will be based on the following scale:



3. If a participant or team is withdrawn and a new market is formed, all bets placed at show prices prior to the new market will be subject to the above deductions.

4. If two (2) or more participants or teams are withdrawn before coming under starter's orders, the total deductions shall not exceed 90p in the £.

5. If further participants or teams are withdrawn after a new market has been formed, bets placed at show prices prior to a new market being formed will be subject to a further deduction based on the prices of all withdrawn participants or teams.

  • Bets placed in the new market will be subject to a deduction based on the current price.

6. If the total deduction on the market is 5p in the £, the deduction will be waived.

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