HydrantID SSL Certification

William Hill uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) to protect the sensitive information passed between your browser, and our website. Your browser needs an encryption to protect the messages we exchange. This key is attached to our certificate, which can be thought of as an electronic identity card. The certificate is verified by a large organisation called a Certificate Authority to prove it's genuine, this process is called certificate signing, and it's a bit like signing a letter to confirm you wrote it. We had to prove we are the real William Hill before our Certificate Authority would sign our certificate. The williamhill.com certificate has been signed by HydrantID (www.hydrantid.com), one of the biggest Certificate Authorities in the world. We use Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2 with strong encryption that is almost impossible to break.
Your browser automatically trusts the validation provided by the larger Certificate Authorities (HydrantID will be on the trusted list), so you shouldn't get warnings or alerts when you access our site. If you do ever get any warnings or alerts, you've likely arrived at a non-genuine or insecure place, and you should contact Customer Services.
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