Retail Privacy Notice

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This Privacy Notice sets out the ways we William Hill Retail (comprised of William Hill Organization Limited and B J O'Connor Limited), collect and use your personal data when using any of our services.

Our Privacy Notice is linked to our General Terms. You should read and understand both documents. We update this Privacy Notice as and when our processes change. You can see the date this notice was last updated at the bottom of the page.

If you have any queries about the information in this notice, please send your enquiry to our Customer Services department who will be able to assist you. Customer Services can be contacted via:


If you use our over the counter, terminals or via our online Plus service, this Privacy Notice will apply. The types of information we can collect is listed below:

  • PLUS Service Registration 
  • Self-exclusion details
  • Information on Source of Funds
  • Responsible Gambling information
  • Pseudonym / alias / nom-de-plume
  • Identification documents
  • CCTV Images
  • Marketing Preferences
  • Betting & Gaming Transactions
  • Correspondence to and from William Hill
  • AML, fraud and criminal activity

Our PLUS service has a dedicated Privacy Notice page, please visit:


This section will outline how we use your personal data in our retail shops and our legal basis. If you have an Online account, please see our Online Privacy Notice by following this link.


Legal basis

Setting up a PLUS account including:

  • Crediting funds
  • Placing bets
  • Playing games
  • Linking with your existing online account

Necessary for the performance of a contract

Providing our betting and gaming products and services to you

Necessary for the performance of a contract

Recording and responding to complaints received.

Necessary for the performance of a contract

Verifying your age to confirm you can use our services.

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

To comply with our regulatory duties, obligations and responsibilities.

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Sharing information with public bodies such as the police or any Gambling Regulator

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Monitoring activity to analyse and conduct proceeds of crime and fraud investigations – including from third party sources and social media

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Conducting anti-money laundering (AML) checks

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Verifying your identity to make payments for some winning bets and payment of lost betting slips.

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Recording, monitoring and sharing images from CCTV

Legitimate Interest

Health and safety monitoring and reporting

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Recording and filing any fraud and criminal activity to ensure safety of staff and customers.

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Assigning nom-de-plumes and pseudonyms

Legitimate Interest

Conducting Safer Gambling Interactions

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

Recording and listening to telephone calls to and from our Customer Services department

Legitimate Interest

To monitor gambling activity and manage our commercial risks

Legitimate Interest

Processing data for access to shop Wi-Fi


Conducting quality assurance on customer services interactions

Legitimate Interest

Processing Safer Gambling activities such as Self-Exclusion, Deposit Limits and Time Outs and sharing this information with companies within our group of companies.

Necessary to comply with a legal obligation

When you give us information about any health issue related to yourself or any third party, we will process this information with your consent, when it is in your vital interest to do so or on the grounds of substantial public interest.


We will only share your personal data with third parties who agree to process data in accordance with our instructions and have in place adequate security measures to ensure the data is safe and secure. Organisations we will share information with include:

  • Risk and fraud agencies 
  • Customer service agencies 
  • Law enforcement agencies, community safety groups and Regulators
  • Companies within the William Hill and 888 Holdings Group 
  • Game providers if playing on our SSBT units

We disclose anonymised data (such as aggregated statistics) about the users of our services in order to describe our sales, customers, traffic patterns and other information to prospective partners, advertisers, investors and other reputable third parties and for other lawful purposes. This will not contain any personal data. 

One organisation we share your personal data with is TransUnion who provide us with verification services. They use your data for the purposes outlined in their privacy notice which you can find here: 


You have the rights to:

  • Information about how we use your personal data.
  • Access to copies of your personal data held by us.
  • Request we erase your personal data: where it is no longer necessary for us to process it; where you have withdrawn your consent; where you have objected; where your personal data has been unlawfully processed; or where erasing your personal data is required in accordance with a legal obligation.
  • Object to us processing your personal data where such data is processed for our legitimate interests.
  • Rectify any inaccurate personal data we process.
  • Request we restrict our processing of your data.
  • Request we share your information with another organisation (data portability).
  • Request an explanation of the logic involved where we make decisions about you solely through automated means.
  • Lodge a complaint with a data protection regulator
  • Withdraw your consent (but only where we have specifically requested your consent to process your personal data and have no other lawful conditions – see the table above). This can be done by contacting
  • If you use our PLUS Card services, you can object to your personal data being used for direct marketing purposes. You can do this by opting-out of direct marketing either through your Account via the My Account > Marketing Preferences section of or by opting out via the communication itself.


If you have a PLUS Card with us we will store your information for the length of time your account is open with us plus 10 years.

Our CCTV footage is retained for between 14 days and 3 months depending on the shop. Unless the footage is used for an investigation in which case it will be retained for the length of time necessary to complete the investigation plus 6 years.


You can contact our Data Protection Office by emailing

This Retail Privacy Notice is effective from June 29 2022.

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