Certified/Notarised Documents

There are situations where we're unable to verify the documents you've provided.


On these occasions (which we've requested in line with our Regulatory requirements), we may be required to request additional certified and/or notarised documents.

Below summarises the key difference between these:


Certified document

  • A certified document is a document which includes a statement from a professional person (a qualified lawyer, dentist or teacher etc.) declaring that said document is a true copy of the original, which they have seen.

  • When relating to an ID document, the certifier statement would declare that the ID presented genuinely belongs to the person named within it and that the person is known to the certifier.


Notarised document

  • A notarised document is a document that has been notarised by a Notary Public.

  • A Notary Public is a specifically qualified individual, holder of the official 'Notary Public' job title, and will charge a fee for their service.

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