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Bonus and Consolation Bets: Rules

All bets placed on the William Hill Sportsbook are also subject to our General Betting Rules.


General Rules

  • The maximum winnings for bonus bets are covered in the categories listed in the maximum winnings section of our General Betting Rules.
  • Each way bets are settled win to win and place to place.
  • Ante post selections aren't accepted in bonus bets.
  • Bonus and consolation payments are based solely on winnings and don't include any stakes.
  • Bets on virtual racing/sports or numbers bets won't qualify for bonuses or consolations if placed on our range of special bets.

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Lucky 15 / 31 / 63

  • Simply choose one or more horse or greyhound selections in four, five or six races to cover the following bets:


1. Bets, Bonuses and Consolations

2. Qualification

  • Only one (1) selection per race is allowed.
  • Selections must be either horses or greyhounds at either Starting Price or a William Hill Price.
  • Ante post prices don't qualify for bonuses or consolations.
  • The bet must be of level unit stakes.
  • All selections must run.
  • In each way bets, the consolation applies only to the win part.
  • Where William Hill advertise bonuses on Yankee, Canadian and Heinz bets, these won't apply to the Lucky 15/31/63.

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Forecast Lucky 15

  • Simply choose two horse or greyhound selections in each of four races to make 4 forecast singles, 6 forecast doubles, 4 forecast trebles and a forecast accumulator.


1. Stakes

  • The Forecast Lucky 15 requires 15 stakes straight, 80 stakes reversed (no other permutation is allowed).

2. Bonus and Consolation

  • Consolation: only one (1) successful forecast - 50% added to returns
  • Bonus: all four (4) forecasts correct - 25% added to returns
  • To qualify for bonus and consolation:

    • All selections must run.
    • Only two (2) selections per race are allowed.

3. Non-runners

  • In the event of non-runners, forecasts will be settled as singles on the remaining selection/s.

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Starting Price Jackpot

  • Simply choose one or more horse or greyhound selections in any six races to make a sixfold accumulator. In addition, there are two free consolations.
  • Selections must be horses or greyhounds at either starting price or William Hill  price.
  • Ante post selections don't qualify.


1. Stakes

  • For a single selection in each race, the Starting Price Jackpot requires just 1 (one) stake win and two (2) stakes each way.
  • When more than one selection per race is chosen, multiply the number of selections in each leg to find the total number of stakes.

2. Consolations

  • First five 1st, sixth selection a loser:

    • 25% of the win or each way accumulator on first five
    • 10% of the win or each way accumulator on first four

3. Qualification

  • Qualification for consolations will be determined by the order indicated and not by any other order (including re-runs) in which races may subsequently be run.

  • Where a selection is omitted or becomes a non-runner, the favourite in the race will be substituted for that selection.

    • In the place part of each way bets, the favourite will be treated the same as a named selection.
    • Should the favourite be withdrawn without coming under orders and it's too late for the market to be re-formed, the next shortest priced runner will be substituted.
    • In all cases, including bets nominating the favourite, if two (2) or more runners are involved (joint or co-favourites), the one with the lowest race card or trap number will be substituted.
  • Should one or more of the races nominated not be run, then the bet will be settled as a normal accumulator on the remaining leg(s) and no consolations will apply.

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Tricast Plus

  • A tricast requires three selections to finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the correct order in any tricast race.
  • The Tricast Plus is a special bet that requires three or more selections to finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in any order with added consolations.


1. General

  • Tricast bets will be accepted in horse or greyhound races where an official computer tricast is operated (presently all handicap horseraces in the UK with 8 or more runners, and races of 5 or more runners at all BAGS meetings and selected evening greyhound meetings), or where a special William Hill or Industry tricast is advertised.
  • Winning bets will be settled in accordance with the official computer tricast return, which is declared to a £1 unit.
  • Where a William Hill SP or Industry SP is returned this will take precedence over any other declared SP and the tricast dividend will be calculated on the final show of betting.
  • Where non-runners reduce the number of runners, no tricast dividend will be declared if a horse race reduces to less than 6 runners or a greyhound race to less than 5 runners.
  • Where a greyhound race is reduced to five runners bets will be settled on a special William Hill tricast based on the final show of betting.

2. Multiple Bets

  • Tricast doubles, trebles etc. are accepted.

3. Non-runners

  • If one of the selections for a tricast is a non-runner, the bet will be settled as a computer straight forecast on the remaining two selections which must finish 1st and 2nd in the order written.

    • Example: If the selections for a tricast are A-B-C, then if B is a non-runner, the bet will be settled as a computer straight forecast on selections A-C.

  • If two selections for a tricast are non-runners, the bet will be settled as a win single at starting price on the remaining selection.

4. Non-Tricast Bets

  • Should a tricast be accepted for a race where there is no official computer tricast return, then:
  • If all selections run, the bet will be settled as a computer straight forecast on the horses selected to be 1st and 2nd. In such case, the placing of the horse selected to be 3rd will have no bearing on the settlement.
  • Where the selections include a non-runner, settlement will be in accordance with Rule 3.
  • In full cover tricasts and other perms, each individual tricast is treated separately for the purpose of Rules 3 and 4.

5. Consolation

  • A free consolation is paid to full cover tricast bets.
  • Where the first two runners selected finish first and second in either order with the remaining selection(s) failing to occupy third place:
  • 3 selections - 20% of the forecast return to the unit stake
  • 4 selections - 100% of the forecast return to the unit stake
  • 5 selections or more - 200% of the forecast return to the unit stake
  • To qualify for consolations:
  • Bets must be full cover tricasts.
  • All selections must run (if only two selections finish 1st and 2nd when any other selection is a non runner, a return is payable under normal tricast rules).
  • The race covered must be an official/William Hill tricast race for which there is an official tricast return.
  • There must be no ambiguity as to the two selections which are intended to qualify for a consolation forecast.

6. Only One or Two Finishers

  • In races where there are only two finishers, bets nominating those horses to finish first and second in the correct order will be settled as a straight forecast.
  • Where one horse finishes alone bets nominating that horse to finish first will be settled as a win single.
  • In each of these instances, all other tricast bets on the race are lost.

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Pick 3 Plus

  • Simply choose three (3) horse or greyhound selections in any tricast race to give six (6) reversed forecasts and a full cover tricast.
  • In addition, there is a choice of a free consolation or bonus.


1. Stakes

  • The Pick 3 Plus requires 6 forecast stakes and 6 tricast stakes which may be of different amounts.

2. Bonus and Consolation

  • Bonus: If the selections finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the order indicated, the tricast return will be DOUBLED or alternatively, you may choose the following consolation which must be indicated when placing your bet.
  • Consolation: If all forecasts and tricasts are unsuccessful, but the first named selection wins, a FREE WIN SINGLE will be paid to the tricast unit stake.

3. Qualification

  • All selections must run.
  • The race covered must be an official/William Hill tricast race for which there is an official tricast return.
  • The bet must be staked for both forecasts and tricasts.
  • Selections should be written on the special slip if placed in one of our LBOs or Pick 3 Plus must be clearly indicated.

4. Other Rules

  • Only one (1) bonus/consolation will apply.
  • In the event of non-runners, forecasts will be settled as a win single on the remaining selections and tricasts will be settled in accordance with our Tricast Plus rules.
  • Where no individual stakes are indicated, the total stake will be divided equally between forecasts and tricasts.

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Forecast Patent Plus

  • Simply choose two horse or greyhound selections in each of three races to make 3 forecast singles, 3 forecast doubles and a forecast treble.
  • In addition, there's a free forecast double consolation.


1. Stakes

  • The Forecast Patent Plus requires 7 stakes straight, 26 stakes reversed.

2. Consolation

  • Where the selected forecasts are correct in both of the first two legs and the winner is selected in the third leg with the other selection failing to finish either 2nd or dead heat for 2nd place, the following consolation will be paid:

    • 50% will be added to the returns of the correct forecast double.

  • Where the selection nominated to win the third leg dead heats for 1st place with any runner other than the selection nominated to be 2nd, then 25% will be added to the returns of the forecast double.

  • The first, second and third legs are determined by the order in which the selections are indicated and not by the time order in which races are run.

  • To qualify for consolation:

    • All selections must run.
    • There must be five (5) or more runners in each race.
    • In the event of non-runners, forecasts will be settled as a win single on the remaining selection.

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