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Rules For All Sports Bets on William Hill Sportsbook

Below are our Fair Deal Rules for the William Hill Sportsbook, effective from 15th of November 2021.


Please click on a section to view related rules:

​General Betting Rules


1. Events On Which Bets Are Accepted

  • We only accept bets on virtual sporting events, numbers betting or special events as listed in these Fair Deal Rules or where the bet has been agreed and authorised by the William Hill Trading Department.
  • Any bets accepted in error and not so authorised or covered by these Fair Deal Rules will be declared void.

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2. Maximum Winnings

a. The maximum winnings categories listed below apply to bets placed on the Internet, in our Telephone Betting department and in our LBOs. The maximum winnings categories in the UK and the Channel Islands are in Sterling and in the Isle of Man they are in Pounds. A bet is accepted on the basis that it is the investment of one customer only and the following are the maximum amounts that can be won (excluding stake) by a customer in one day's betting regardless of stake and apply even if bets have been placed through more than one betting channel (i.e. internet, telephone betting or LBOs).

b. Where bets have been placed on different days, the maximum amount that can be won in one day's betting is determined by the day on which the final race/event on each bet is resolved, rather than the day on which each individual bet is placed.

c. Where selections taken from the different categories listed below are combined in multiple or accumulative bets the lowest maximum winnings limit will apply.

d. Where bets are placed in an alternative currency, the maximum payout will be converted based on the table below using the Sterling local currency exchange rate on the day of settlement of the bet.


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3. Non Runners / Non-Participants And Void Selections

  • Unless a bet has been placed under antepost terms, when a selection is made void or does not run, then in single bets the stake will be returned.
  • In accumulative bets, the stake will run on to the remaining selection(s) with a double becoming a single, a treble becoming a double and so on.
  • Unless a specific reference is made in the individual section that covers the sport, abandoned or postponed events are void.
  • However, bets in markets that have already been resolved at the time of abandonment, such as 'first touchdown scorer' etc. will stand.

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4. Dead Heats

  • In a dead heat, the stake money on a selection is divided by the number of runners or competitors involved in the dead heat.
  • The full odds are then paid to the divided stake, with the remainder of the stake money being lost.

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5. Conditional Bets (Any-To-Come, Stop-At-A-Winner etc.)

  • Such bets are available in our LBOs and with our Telephone Betting Service, but are not available on-line.

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6. Ante-Post Betting (Future Events)

a. Ante-post prices are those offered on:

  • i. Horse Racing prior to the final declaration stage.
  • ii. Greyhound events up to and including the semi final stage. (Any bets placed after the semi finals or on a single race event where a price has been taken will be settled as early bird bets and stakes refunded on non runners. In the event of a non runner all bets will be settled at starting price).
  • iii. Sports events prior to the start of an event, with the exception of bets on a golf tournament, a tennis tournament, a match, a single race event (e.g. London Marathon) or an individual heat/stage. When stakes are refunded on a competitor who withdraws from an event a rule 4 deduction may apply to winning bets.
  • iv. All special (non-sporting) events.

b. Ante-post bets are accepted on the understanding that you will lose your stake if your selection does not participate. No Tattersalls' Rule 4 deductions are made from winning bets except when a runner in a horse race is balloted out.

c. i. Bets placed after the start of a sports event are not classified by us as antepost. Unless a specific reference is made in the rules for a particular sport, the start of an event is defined as the first time there is any competitive action. Stakes will be refunded on competitors/teams who take no further part after the bet is placed, unless they have been eliminated by competition rules. A Tattersalls' Rule 4 deduction will be applied to winning bets placed after the competitor's/team's last competitive action and prior to the market being re-formed.

ii. Stakes are lost on competitors/teams who start an event and then withdraw.

iii. In total tournament/series markets e.g. top series wicket taker, winner of the golden boot etc. individuals named in the team squad will be deemed to have participated whether or not they have taken part in any competitive action.

d. The maximum winnings limits for ante-post bets are determined by the categories listed in Rule 2.

e. Ante-post each way doubles, trebles etc. are settled win to win, place to place.

f. Ante-post bets are settled at the price and place terms applicable at the time of acceptance.

g. Place only bets and forecast bets are not accepted at antepost odds. If taken in error, place only bets will be void. Forecast bets will be settled on the computer straight forecast.

h. Where the same selection is backed to win two or more antepost events in an accumulative bet a special combined price will apply irrespective of any individual prices quoted. Where no special combined price is available e.g. a horse to win a Derby trial and the Derby, settlement will be based on the first available odds after each leg has been completed.

i. Bonuses and consolations associated with any bet type are not available at ante-post odds. If taken in error bets will be settled without the bonuses or consolations.

j. The terms of special event/sports bets laid following a written/email request from an individual customer will be clarified in our written/emailed response to the customer prior to the bet being placed.

k. An ante-post bet will be made void under the following circumstances:

  • The race is cancelled and is not run.
  • A horse is balloted out under the rules of racing.
  • The race is run at an alternative venue to the one originally scheduled.
  • Entries for the race are re-opened.

l. An ante-post bet will stand under the following circumstances:

  • The race is run on a different date from the one originally specified, but at the original venue.
  • The entries for the race are not re-opened. If entries revert back to a previous declaration stage, this won’t count as entries being re-opened and all bets will stand.

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7. Virtual World

Description: Virtual World events are computer generated presentations of an accredited random number generator in which the first number generated decides the winner; the second decides the runner-up etc.

1. Bets on virtual racing are settled to the same rules as horse racing, greyhound racing and bets on virtual sports are settled to the same rules as other relevant events.

  • Virtual selections do not qualify for bonuses and consolations.

2. The RTP (Return to Player) is between 70% and 95.23%, depending upon the sport and type of market (click here to view).

3. The RTP reflects the theoretical return across a very large number of plays by numerous players over an extended period of time.

  • The results for any given player over a play session can vary widely from this long-term, expected average in either direction.
  • The fewer the number of games played, the wider the normal variance of actual payback that may be experienced.

4. The fairness of our Random Number Generator and our Virtual sports has been independently tested and certified by NMi Metrology & Gaming.

5. NMi's evaluation of William Hill's hardware-based RNG (random number generator) was performed with the aim of verifying compliance with the following sets of standards:

  • The Gambling Commission's Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards, June 2007
  • Generally-accepted industry standards for highly-regulated jurisdictions
  • William Hill's technical specifications for their hardware-based RNG.

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8. Related Contingencies

  • Accumulative/multiple bets are not accepted where the outcome of one part of the bet contributes to the outcome of another.
  • If taken in error, the stake will be invested on the selection with the largest price.
  • Where two or more selections are quoted at the largest price the stake will be divided equally between them.
  • However, where the related parts of the bet are resolved at different times, unless 'special double' or 'special accumulative' odds are available, bets will be settled as instructed with the odds for the second or subsequent legs being determined at each individual stage.

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9. Sport’s Governing Bodies

a. It is a condition of our acceptance of bets from you that, and by offering to place a bet with us, you represent that:

  • i. You are not prohibited from entering into the bet by any term of your contract of employment or any rule of a Sports Governing Body, which applies to you.
  • ii. You are not aware of any circumstance which would make the placing of the bet a breach of a rule on betting applied by a Sports Governing Body.
  • iii. Where the bet is placed on the outcome of a race, competition or other event or process or on the likelihood of anything occurring you do not know the outcome of the event or have not been involved in events which could have an impact on the potential outcome.

b. In the event of any such representation by you proving to be false we shall not be obliged to pay any winnings which might otherwise have been payable in respect of the bet.

c. We will share information with relevant statutory bodies, such as the GB Gambling Commission or other applicable governing bodies, where we believe there is suspicious betting or where we suspect that bets have been placed in breach of the rules of the relevant Sports Governing Body.

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10. Data Supplied by a Third Party

  • Please be aware that data such as current scores, time elapsed etc. that is displayed on our site or on our text screens is sourced from a 'live feed' provided by a third party and may be subject to time delay and/or be inaccurate.
  • If you rely on this data to place bets, you do so entirely at your own risk and William Hill accept no responsibility for any loss (direct or indirect) suffered by you as a result of your reliance on it.

11. Suspicion of Rigging or Unfair Practices

a. We reserve the right to withhold payment of winnings or void/cancel any bet(s) if we have reasonable suspicion that the prices or the pool have been manipulated, where a race, event or match has been rigged, or where ‘inside’ information (information not freely available in the public domain) has been used to gain an advantage.

  • Our reasonable suspicion may be based on the stakes, frequency or pattern of bets, due to the geographical location of where the bets have been placed or based on links between individual customers or the accounts used to place the bets. It is deemed to be reasonable suspicion if WHO have formally reported the betting activity on an event to any of the following:
    • i. IBIA (International Betting Integrity Association).
    • ii. The GB Gambling Commission Sports Betting Intelligence Unit.
    • iii. The applicable regulatory authority for the territory where the bet was struck.
    • iv. The official governing body of the sporting event under investigation.
    • v. The respective police services of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland or any other appropriate law enforcement agency.

b. We also reserve the right to withhold payment of winnings or void/cancel any bet(s) if any of the agencies/organisations listed above contact us to formally inform us that they have reasonable suspicions about a race, event or match being rigged.

c. We reserve the right to withhold payment of any winnings due until the relevant enquiries have been completed and will only make payment if the initial concerns or suspicions are proven to be unfounded.

d. The stakes from all bets which were deemed to be suspicious will be returned to customers, unless a directive is issued by the applicable regulatory authority or law enforcement agency instructing WHO not to make payment.

e. Whilst investigations are ongoing, any customers who have placed bets on the suspicious event will not be permitted to place any further bets with WHO.

  • If any bets are placed in breach of this rule, we reserve the right to withhold ayment or void/cancel them.

f. If winnings from bets placed on the suspicious events have already been paid out in full to a customer, we reserve the right to use any funds in the account or any other monies owed from bets unrelated to the suspicious events to off-set the money already paid.

g. We may attempt to re-claim any remote payments already processed and accept no responsibility for any charges incurred if this leaves a customer’s bank account with a negative balance.

h. Once a reasonable suspicion has been reported by WHO or reported to WHO, we will be limited as to the amount of information we are able to provide to the impacted customers.

  • This is to ensure that we do not prejudice any ongoing formal investigations.
  • Customers will need to contact the applicable regulatory authority or sport’s governing body to request additional information.

i. WHO will NOT respond to any claims made via our appointed ADR service (IBAS) in relation to bets placed on markets or events which are under investigation by the relevant governing bodies or other 3rd party agencies.

  • All claims will be processed and responded to in full once we are made aware the investigation has been concluded.

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12. Time of Acceptance

  • We produce an automated 'no more bets time' for all horse, greyhound and numbers events covered in our full service. Bets are valid if accepted up to this time.
  • Except where prior authorisation is given, single bets accepted after the 'no more bets time' will be void.
  • In multiple bets, late selections will be treated as non runners.
  • Where the official 'off' of a race or event is not announced, bets are accepted up to the advertised start time.
  • If betting in-play is available, bets will stand and be settled at the current in-play price at the time the bet was struck.
  • Where betting in-play is not available, any bet that's inadvertently accepted after this time will be void, unless we are satisfied that the bet was placed before the actual start of the event, except in the following circumstances:
    • On a golf event up to 15 minutes after the start time.
    • A football match up to 15 minutes after the start time - provided there has been no goals scored or players sent off.
    • Any of the following sports events up to 5 minutes after the start time:
      • American Football
      • Baseball
      • Basketball
      • Bowls
      • Cricket
      • Cycling
      • Darts
      • Gaelic Football/Hurling
      • Ice Hockey
      • Rugby
      • Snooker/Pool
      • Speedway
      • Tennis

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13. Cash Out

  • Cash Out gives you the opportunity to settle your bet at the value displayed before the market is resulted, both online and on mobile.
  • For further information on Cash Out and a full list of markets it's available on, click here.

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